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After a long two months of praying about what my next step was going into the new year, I felt the Lord continually say, “dream with Me.” I didn’t fully understand Him in the moment, but through a conference and some friends, I was clear on what I was supposed to ask myself: “what dream is He trying to birth that He has already placed in my heart?” Immediately,  I knew exactly how to respond, and with that response, and through bringing it to the Lord, I felt led to go on the World Race. He’s beginning to move me towards that dream. He’s stretching me and giving me a taste of what it would be like to be out of my comfort zone, experience different cultures and languages, to serve, to disciple, and to send like-minded people to spread the Gospel in their own country along the way. There are lots of other little reasons for going, but this was the main one. I’m so excited for this adventure with the World Race and how this will prepare me for the big dream He has given me!!