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So we are officially in Thailand. We are moving onto our second week of ministry here, and I’m now just realizing that He’s beginning to rewrite my idea of being an apostle for the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’m learning it doesn’t mean that you’re always working in what you feel like you’re called to, what the Lord has gifted you in….your strong suit if you will. It means that you’re also doing the things that you aren’t gifted in, don’t feel called to, not always on “cloud 9”. You’re doing the ministries that you don’t feel like are as important as another, you’re putting on the lens of servanthood and looking for the small things each day and not always the big moments. It’s building relationships, and always having a willing heart. And with all of this, I’ve learned that I don’t have to have it altogether for Jesus. I can sit at his table with that empty chair across from him that has my name on it. A place where I am welcomed, and be vulnerable with him. At this table I’ve learned it’s okay to say “I can’t do this anymore”. He says “good, because you were never meant to, let Me do it”. That is the point where I am at the end of myself and finally understand that’s where He begins. I guess I’m learning what it actually means to lean on him for strength. Psalm 138:3 “As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.” It’s a new dependency on the Lord in all things!

My prayer for this whole month is for God to bind me to the altar. My flesh hates this. My flesh wants to run into the comfort of a 1st world country, a bed, the non-weird-foods, the extra materialistic things, the same four walls I’ve known called “home”, my other friends. My flesh wants to run back to my original idea of what being a missionary looked like because it was comfortable. I liked it. My flesh wants to run to the comfort of this world, but my heart has never wanted to say anything more but yes to the Lord. Even if I have to wrestle with Him.

It’s actually really funny that team Israel and team Yada are together for Thailand. Israel means “To wrestle with God” and Yada means “a deep or close intimacy with the Lord”. Israel’s team leader, Ethan Johnston, brought that to our attention one of the first nights in Thailand at dinner. He said “my prayer for the next month is for our teams including myself to wrestle with the Lord for deeper, closer intimacy and greater dependence on him and him alone.” I can definitely see how I am wrestling with God in this season!

Through this rewriting of the idea of an apostle/missionary, the what-ifs come up, constantly. That’s where I find the Lord ever so gently placing a crown of wildflowers on my head.  “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” Then I feel the crown of thorns that poke into my skin, reminding me that surrender is humility, and I am compelled to do so. It’s no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I live in the flesh I now live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me. There is a sweetness in surrender; in crucifying the flesh. God honors the humble; the ones that live on their knees at his feet. So even if I don’t fully understand His plans or His ways, and even what it truly means to live in the mindset of servanthood, I am still compelled to give up the unknown, what I thought being a missionary, an apostle was.

I feel like it’s kinda dumb to write and post this because I’m still learning. I haven’t fully understood, and He isn’t done showing me. I’m not equipped to write a whole blog on this, but it’s a start to a lesson He’s teaching me.


A little bit about ministry: we are teaching English to 1st-9th grade and we go to an orphanage in the afternoons to teach English, act out bible stories, worship, and play games! We have been helping around at the base by digging a 10 foot hole for human waste, and building a fence. We will be doing that this whole week, and then on the 15th-17th we will be driving four hours and staying in a village to do Christmas ministry.



I am still fundraising!

1 Chronicles 29:14 says “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You what only comes from Your hand.” This confirms where all the resources come from. I believe He has appointed certain people to come alongside me, pray with me, and donate towards this mission for the Gospel. My calling, my ministry, the person I am asking, their assets, everything is all His. I am simply a mediator seeking to connect His people and His resources with His plan.

I am currently at 74% and have to be at 80% by December 15th- in 4 days!

I am asking you to take action and pray to see where the Lord leads! Partnership is so beautiful in the kingdom of God. Would you consider praying about making a one time or monthly donation to me as I partner with Jesus to reach the people who are lost? Our obedience increases the capacity at which the Spirit of God moves!

If He leads you to give, you can do so by the link in my Instagram and Facebook bio, through Venmo @Lexi-Blatt, or you can click this link

I am extremely grateful for all of your prayers and donations. I would not have been able to the reach the people I did if it wasn’t for you. THANK YOU THANK YOU.

“When you give to a ministry, you not only bless the people that are being touched by that ministry, but you start a supernatural flow of your finances, and you partake of the anointing and the blessing that’s on that minister’s life” -Andrew Womack

2 responses to “The Crown of Thorns and Wildflowers”

  1. So proud of you! God has blessed you in so many ways, your words above are an amazing testimony of His faithfulness. I continue to pray for you and team YADA everyday. Love and miss you all!