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The Time Has Come

Well, we’ve finally come to the end of our time here in South Africa. I’ve waited a long 3 years for this and it’s finally over. That’s hard to believe. But not much changed since my last blog, the Lord is still healing my heart. He has shown bits and pieces of my future and I’m praying about all of it… too exciting!! He has even reminded me of past times He has spoken of things to come in the future that haven’t come to pass yet. The Word says “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” and I’m believing for it!

The last day of ministry was Tuesday, Feb 27th. This was my favorite ministry yet! It was so very fruitful and loved building relationships with the teachers and students. It’s hard to move on but good news: I don’t have to continue to carry this! I get to offer up my prayers to God and simply let go because He has it now, just like he always has. There are more blessings ahead in Guatemala!

Speaking of which, we leave FRIDAY for Guatemala at 3 A.M. We will have an hour drive to Port Elizabeth and then have a two hour flight to Johannesburg, a 9 hour flight to Qatar, and Qatar to Florida Miami (A WHOPPING 16 HOUR FLIGHT…YIKES) Also that’s the first time I’ll be back in the states since October!! We have a 10 hour layover and then a 2 1/2 hour flight to Guatemala.

This will be the LONGEST travel day we have had so far and no one is excited about it. This is about to be hectic, keep us in your prayers.

Once we get to Guatemala, we will have a couple of days to wear off the jet lag before Parent Vision Trip (PVT) starts! My mom will be coming to this and I can’t wait to see her!! She’s so excited! The parents will be with us for 5 days. They will get to come to ministry with us and see what it’s like to be a minister of the Lord on the Race!

Other good news: IM FULLY FUNDED NOW!

I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. It has completely blown me away. The Lord is so good and faithful! ON TO SHARE THE GOSPEL IN GUATEMALA!! I love you all so much!! Blessings to each and every one of you!! xoxo

Until next blog,

Lexi B

2 responses to “The Time Has Come”

  1. Miss you all! Thankful you are hearing from God and following His path for you. Happy to have had the opportunity to share some of your story through Facebook posts to get you fully funded. Bella is almost there too. Will he praying for safe travels and ministry opportunities through out the journey. You never know when God will put someone in your path that you can minister to. Don’t be too focused on getting to Guatemala and miss what God has planned along the way. Love you all!

  2. EEEKKKKK!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!!! Im so excited to watch what yall do and to help in anyway I can!
    Love you!